How can you make a summer job stretch past Labor Day? By making such a great impression, the employer offers you a permanent role. Read on for tips on how to shine in a seasonal position.

There are many reasons why you might take a seasonal job. Perhaps you're saving up for a vacation, gap year or sabbatical. Perhaps you've been absent from the workforce for a while and want to get back into the swing of things. Or perhaps you simply can't get over the idea that someone would pay you $15 per hour to ski all day.

Do all good things need to come to an end? Not necessarily. With the right blend of planning and determination, you can turn your seasonal job into a permanent position. Here’s how. 

be a model worker

Supervisors of seasonal staff tend to be watchful people who sweat the small stuff. They notice the workers who turn up for their shift on time, every time, and who leave their work area uncluttered at the end of the day. Work hard and conscientiously and there’s every chance your temporary boss will want to become your permanent one. And if you’re worried an employer might try to exploit your go-the-extra-mile attitude, it’s worth remembering that the same laws that govern employer interactions with regular employees also apply to seasonal workers.

keep the customer satisfied

From resort desk clerk to retail sales associate, many seasonal positions involve frequent interactions with the public. If you’re a people person, this is your chance to shine. Rest assured your boss will notice if you’re good at turning neutral customers into happy ones. If you’re not a people person, this is your chance to become one! Observe the body language and communication skills of your most effective co-workers and ask them for feedback on your own performance. 

become a team player

Other seasonal jobs shield you from the public but expose you to hours of close contact with fellow workers. Warehouse staff, for example, need to communicate with each other all the time. There’s a constant flow of questions to be asked, tasks to be assigned, instructions to absorb and problems to be shared. Notice that one of your co-workers is struggling? Lend them a hand if you can — but don’t make a big deal out of it. The kind of employee who puts the team first without expecting special credit is the kind of employee managers want on their permanent payroll.

always be learning

It’s a simple equation: The more new skills you acquire during your seasonal job, the more likely you are to be offered a permanent position. In fact, simply showing a willingness to learn will improve your prospects. In the current market, employers are struggling to find job candidates who tick all the boxes. That means they’re more likely than ever to take a chance on applicants with the potential and motivation to succeed. 

work with a (good) recruiter

Not sure what kind of seasonal jobs have the potential to become permanent positions? Talk to a Randstad recruiter. They can connect you with roles that offer you the chance to grow, while steering you away from ones that are a dead end. Check out the thousands of temporary and seasonal opportunities on our job boards, plus tips on how to develop the skills that today’s employers are looking for.