
The client, an American multinational bank and Fortune 50 company, was having difficulty meeting demand for talent during its three-month-long peak season. Adding to the challenge was the client’s high cost of screening, which ranged from $650 to $700 per candidate. All told, the client needed to hire more than 800 new staff members for 28 different positions across multiple departments on a tight time frame — a tall order, indeed.


The team of experts at Randstad Inhouse Services realized that introducing more flexible scheduling and improving talent communication could have a measurable impact on the client’s goals. Given such a tight timeline, Randstad Inhouse Services immediately got to work implementing Relevate Schedule — a flexible scheduling solution — to minimize overtime, increase fill rates, boost employee retention and lower costs for the client.


By introducing new scheduling capabilities, Randstad Inhouse Services helped the client achieve its strategic goals. Highlights of the engagement include:

  • successfully screening and badging 497 new hires within a three-month period
  • staffing for 20,000 more hours in 2018 versus 2017 — a 37 percent increase — without a corresponding increase in the number of overtime hours worked
  • achieving an astonishing 139 percent fill rate while increasing the net number of shifts filled in 2018 compared to 2017 by 1,185
  • being entrusted to source and hire 33 percent more talent in 2018 than 2017
  • delivering $14,000 in year-over-year cost savings for the client

To find out more about how Randstad Inhouse Services can save you time and money through a variety of staffing solutions, click here.