If you’ve been working for the past few decades, you’ve witnessed rapid-fire change in your office. Technology has made it possible to work in ways that once seemed like little more than science fiction. Workspaces are more open, flexible and collaborative; employees are more diverse, independent and confident, determining how, when and where they work. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated these changes, pushing many to work from home and further altering dress codes.

In short, workplace dress is trading tradition for self-expression. So, how has office attire evolved and what’s the future of office dress codes?

office dress codes
office dress codes

dress codes through the decades

the 50s

As a male worker in the 1950s, you wore grey flannel suits, striped ties, fedora hats and heavy Oxford shoes. Your female co-workers made their mark with Chanel-type suits, seamed nylon stockings and heels.

the 60s

Work clothes began to relax for men who donned brighter colours and patterned clothing. Women’s workplace clothing reflected Jackie Kennedy's style of elegant, monochromatic, softer shades, pearls, and the pillbox hat. Few, if any, workplaces permitted the tie-dyed clothing and headbands worn by the hippie generation of the mid-to late-60s.

the 70s

Bell-bottom pants rang in the 70s, along with wide jacket lapels and ties for men. The looser, more expressive style for women, including bow-tied blouses, reflected the women’s liberation movement of the times.

the 80s

For women, power suits dominated the 80s; they established their authority in the workplace by embracing more masculine suit structures and massive shoulder pads that could clear a subway car.

the 90s

Organizations ushered in Casual Fridays as a perk to attract workers. Think khakis, designer jeans, sweaters, sports jackets and polo shirts, regardless of gender. Suits for men and women were more comfortable, looser and more neutral in tone and pattern.

21st century

This brings us to modern 21st-century technology-driven workplaces. Computers don’t care what you wear when you program them as long as you get the zeros and ones in the right sequences. Rigid dress codes are out, and casual dress codes are in, if there’s a code at all. It’s a new era and a refreshing change.

the science of clothes

Some things never change, though. Studies show that what we wear affects our behaviour and how others perceive us. A study by Northwestern University researchers revealed that wearing a white coat during testing significantly impacted perceptions. Participants instantly viewed the wearer as more professional and believed the test had greater credibility. Wearing white coats caused the researchers to subconsciously feel more competent and professional. This new field of study, known as “embodied cognition,” says we not only think with our brains but also with our physical experience, including our clothes. What you wear doesn't just affect how you feel and function but how others feel about and function around you.

With that in mind, it's unsurprising that women who wanted to succeed in business adopted a masculine, conservative dress style. Hiring managers would then see them as more capable, hardworking, self-controlled and reliable. It’s why women wear power suits, and Hillary Clinton adopted the pantsuit as her signature look. We judge people's potential by their clothing from a young age, creating a lifelong habit that's hard to break. For decades, success came at the cost of qualities like uniqueness, individuality and capability.

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the shift to flexible fashion

Thankfully, changes in the modern workplace have led to a dress code revolution. What’s appropriate clothing in today’s workplace is as varied as where work takes place, be it a boardroom or your dining room table. Startup tech companies encourage workers to dress and feel as comfortable as possible. With a younger workforce, employers compete to attract top candidates by offering a casual dress code as a perk. Fitting in has a whole new meaning. In these environments, someone in a suit is either a job applicant or an employee with an important client meeting.

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed many of us to work from home, speeding up the trend toward more casual dress codes. With fewer in-person meetings and more video calls, the need for traditional office wear has dropped significantly. While jokes about wearing pajama bottoms during Zoom meetings are common, the reality is that comfort has taken centre stage. Employers have noticed, making relaxed clothing choices the new norm. This shift not only suits remote work but also shows a growing appreciation for employee comfort and well-being.

the future of office dress codes

Organizations are redefining what “business casual” means and whether or not to establish it as a dress code. For some, it could mean a suit without a tie, while in other businesses, it could be jeans — or even shorts — and a T-shirt. After all, it’s hard to sit in a beanbag chair in a three-piece suit. Workplace dress codes can be unclear, causing confusion for employees and posing a challenge for HR and managers tasked with enforcing them.

Employee attire, whether guided by a formal dress code or not, serves as a visual representation of an organization's values, professionalism and brand identity. Your work attire can impact workplace culture, influencing employee interactions, respect and overall engagement. Indeed, clothing can create a sense of equality, regardless of levels, roles, skills and genders. Maybe considerations like these should form the bedrock of an organization’s dress code.

By establishing guidelines around work attire, organizations can shape the future of office dress codes. This helps create a workforce that is confident and secure, where everyone is on the same page regardless of their background or experience. With a clear dress code policy, everyone can focus on what's really important: getting the job done.

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