How we work continues to evolve post-pandemic, but one trend remains among U.S. employees: a continued desire for work-life balance. According to our latest Workmonitor survey, almost all respondents think it’s important to both their current job and future employment. The good news, most seem to have it.


However, the 21 percent of women surveyed who feel their employer doesn’t offer a good work-life balance shouldn’t be ignored. After all, females still tend to carry the load of at-home responsibilities and caregiving. As an employer, it’s important to consider female employees’ motivations and opinions. Here are three top insights from our report:

1. a desire for flexible work arrangements

Even with more demand on their time outside of work, women appear to have less flexibility around when, where, and how much they work when compared to men. According to our survey:

  • Forty-seven percent of females agree that they have flexibility in choosing both where and how much they work, compared to 58 percent of males.
  • Fifty-five percent of women say they can control when they work (66% for men).

However, a significant number of women still view being able to work from home as a non-negotiable. Given these results, a clear desire for flexibility remains.


2. expectations for better company policies

The rising cost of living coupled with the demands of raising a family make supportive company policies more important than ever. Here are two that stand out:

pay equity

When asked what the most important initiative or policy is for a potential or current employer to offer, 41 percent of females said gender pay equity. Just 18 percent of males responded the same.


This is not surprising, considering fewer female respondents believe their job provides the pay they need to live the life they want (66% as compared to 79% of males surveyed). While everyone feels pressure financially, women seem to feel it the most.

parental leave

Parental and career leave policies are also desired, with 19 percent of women and 24 percent of men ranking this as the most important initiative or policy for a potential or current employer. Currently, 40 percent of females (49% of males) believe their job provides enough support around parental/career leave, leaving room for improvement.


3. a desire for a supportive work culture

Company culture matters, particularly for female employees. In fact, 40 percent of female respondents have quit a job because of a toxic workplace, compared to just 28 percent of males. The right culture fosters ambition, advancement, and well-being. But women aren’t feeling this at the same rate as their male counterparts.


In fact, just 31 percent of females want to take on more managerial responsibilities compared to 46 percent of males, suggesting potential barriers and/or disparities to advancement for women in the workplace. They also seem to be more reluctant than men to share their ambitions with their employers, particularly if they want to progress quickly (43% v 54%).

promoting work-life balance

Intentionally supporting women in today’s workforce benefits all employees – and your organization. Here’s how you can get started:

1. provide feedback channels

Employee-driven changes can create a culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

2. review your policies

It may be time to realign your policies to better fit employee expectations.

3. address gender disparities

Take both feedback and review of policies to close gender gaps.

4. work with a trusted partner

Stay up-to-date and productive with custom-fit solutions tailored to your needs.

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