In recent years, the focus on diversity and inclusion has grown substantially across organizations. When your company's strategic direction champions these values, it can lead to a positive impact on employees and the development of an inclusive corporate culture. Although promoting diversity and inclusion involves multiple departments, recruitment plays a vital role by adopting inclusive policies, procedures, and practices. The journey toward an inclusive business culture starts with simple yet essential steps like writing inclusive job descriptions.

what is an inclusive job description?

An inclusive job description is crucial for making all applicants feel welcome and comfortable, regardless of their gender, cultural or ethnic background, or disability. Your wording is vital as it represents your first interaction with potential employees and allows you to showcase your company's values. A few key elements must be included in an inclusive offer. Integrating the elements below will ensure that you attract a diverse pool of candidates.

Womale sitting at a desk writing on a notebook.
Womale sitting at a desk writing on a notebook.

impartial and non-gendered language for an inclusive job description

Language is powerful in creating inclusive job descriptions. An inclusive job description attracts diverse candidates by using language that appeals to everyone, regardless of gender. Instead of "men and women," use "all genders" to be inclusive. Avoid gender-specific pronouns like "he" or "she," and use neutral terms like "you." An inclusive job description helps job seekers from all backgrounds identify with the position and envision themselves successfully performing the functions.

avoid highlighting characteristics associated with genders

Our recently conducted survey on unconscious bias reveals that certain job descriptions are still commonly associated with either masculine or feminine traits. For instance, empathy and active listening tend to be traditionally linked to women, while confidence and analytical thinking are often associated with men. To create inclusive job descriptions, it is crucial to avoid using these specific personality traits. This approach ensures that all genders feel the job posting is directed towards them and prevents the reinforcement of stereotypes.

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focus on essential skills

Did you know that men apply for jobs when they only have 60 percent of the qualifications, while women are reluctant to reply to a posting unless they believe they have 100 percent of what is requested? The more skills that are listed, the less women are inclined to believe they are qualified. By creating an inclusive job description that focuses on the essential skills needed, you can encourage a more equal balance of men and women applicants.

avoid using overly formal language and industry-specific terms

All companies have a specific language that includes technical words that only company insiders may understand. Job seekers might be intimidated by this type of vocabulary and, feeling under-qualified as a result, might not feel they should apply.

highlight your commitment to diversity and inclusion

Most organizations emphasize their commitment to diversity and inclusion in job postings. They include a standard formula that applies to most companies. However, more organizations are now mentioning specific measures they have in place for people with disabilities. These measures ensure they have everything they need to thrive at work and contribute to the company.

Writing an inclusive job description is the first step toward attracting candidates with varied profiles. It also helps build diverse teams with highly-qualified skill sets. Inclusive companies provide an atmosphere where employees feel supported and respected. This increases their participation and contribution.

When employees are uncomfortable at work, they may take more days off or quit their jobs. This can result in high costs for organizations.

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