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overview: Accounting and finance professionals are essential partners for business owners, perhaps never more so than right now. And with COVID-19 recovery on the horizon, they should start preparing their practices for what could be a particularly busy season. Here are three business-readiness tips for ramping up safely and strategically — so that you can help your clients to healthy turnarounds in the second half of 2020.


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As we move toward recovery, it's a good idea to dedicate time to a little introspection. Specifically, from a business standpoint, you should focus on what you need to effectively get back to normal. Questions that come to mind right away:

Are you operating right now at the same capacity you were when the virus first hit? Why or why not — and what would enable you to change that?
How has COVID-19 impacted your clients the most?
What are the primary concerns and needs you anticipate hearing from clients during the remainder of 2020?

about the author

Jodi Chavez

jodi chavez is group president of randstad professionals, randstad life sciences and tatum.