see the signs — and solutions
key takeaways
Many enterprises are struggling with technology integrations in a world where traditional approaches, such as centralized teams controlling monolithic systems, are no longer viable. So if you’re experiencing challenges like these, keep the following takeaways top of mind.
- Your costs are creeping up: Partial migrations may be the culprit, as they can not only increase your overall maintenance costs but create additional obstacles down the line.
- Your IT teams are operating less effectively: When developers and infrastructure leads are driving your technology transition, handling support tickets and captaining new projects, reactivity can quickly become the norm.
- Your people aren’t at the center of the change: Be sure to analyze the skills, training and knowledge sharing that will be required for all team members before undertaking a key integration project.
- You’re only seeing piecemeal or incremental change: Consider leveraging the expertise and sophistication of a third-party vendor to offset gaps and weaknesses — and unlock more business value for your enterprise.