The metaverse is shaping up to be the next tech boomtown. Between now and 2030, its market value is expected to soar from $40B to around $1607B. People will soon spend around one hour per day working, shopping, learning and socializing in virtual worlds. And of course, this massive, fast-paced growth is already creating demand for entirely new metaverse skills and careers.

but wait, what is the metaverse?

Don’t worry if you’re a bit fuzzy on what the metaverse is exactly. A simple metaverse explanation is “a digital reality that combines aspects of social media, online gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and cryptocurrencies.” Broadly speaking, it’s the next evolution of the internet that will enable users to be fully immersed in online spaces. And the barriers to entry to these spaces are lower than most people think. Sure, you can strap on state-of-the-art AR or VR equipment, but you can also access virtual worlds using a smartphone, game console or desktop computer. 

what kind of jobs can you get in the metaverse?

The metaverse jobs you probably think of right away are highly technical roles. Metaverse development will certainly require specialized software engineers, advanced programmers and cybersecurity experts. However, you can think beyond tech for new metaverse jobs.

It’s important that interactions in the metaverse mimic the real world. That’s why companies are already using people, instead of computer generated characters, as greeters, tour guides and hosts in virtual worlds. Metaverse careers will also include traditional functions such as customer support, sales, marketing and advertising, community and event management, and business development. 

Another key aspect of the metaverse is the ability to personalize your experience with digital assets such as fashion, property and art. These non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are uniquely yours to use and sell. The emerging “metaverse economy” will create jobs in virtual real estate, 3D design, fashion and NFT strategy.  

what skills do you need to work in the metaverse? 

Highly desirable technical skills for metaverse careers include:

  • artificial intelligence (AI)
  • blockchain and NFT engineering
  • VR and AR development
  • UI/UX design
  • 3D modeling
  • advanced programming

That said, an estimated 23 million jobs globally will be enhanced by virtual reality and augmented reality by 2030. Since these technologies will be used for training, meetings and customer service, you won’t necessarily need to work in tech to use them daily. 

If you’re wondering how to get a job in the metaverse without advanced technical skills, you can start by taking online courses. For example, Udemy and Coursera offer courses from metaverse basics to VR specialization. Another way to improve your metaverse understanding is by experiencing platforms like Decentraland and The Sandbox for yourself. 

how much can you make working in the metaverse?

Just as in the non-digital workplace, salaries for metaverse jobs will vary depending on your location and how much your skills are valued in the market. But it’s never a bad idea to upskill or reskill. Becoming an early adopter of the metaverse could give you a competitive advantage in the job market and help you negotiate a higher salary

Want to learn more about careers that are in high demand? Check out our list of roles that we’re always looking to fill, plus the skills and certifications that will help you land your dream job.