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Telemedicine has been growing substantially, with forecasts projecting it to become a $277 billion industry by 2025. Needless to say, there's no better time than the present to get in on this exciting and rapidly expanding field as a telehealth RN.

Similar to a traditional nurse, telehealth RNs are responsible for providing care to patients, though their responsibilities do differ slightly given the virtual nature of the work. Many online health service providers position nurses on the front lines, making them the first point of contact for patient inquiries via email, phone and chat platforms. This role places nurses at the very heart of the telehealth mission: customer service. Providing more personalized attention to patients is a key differentiator for many telehealth organizations compared to the traditional models they aim to disrupt. It's a vital role, but it's just one of the many responsibilities prospective telehealth RNs can expect to assume.

Typical duties for telehealth RNs include:

  • fielding patient questions on topics like medical conditions, medications and side effects
  • assessing patient conditions to determine next steps in evaluation
  • conducting patient follow-ups
  • partnering with doctors and nurse practitioners to deliver evidence-based care
  • reviewing medical charts in preparation of doctor appointments
  • raising health awareness through patient-facing information sessions
  • keeping patient records up-to-date and compliant with established guidelines

how do you become a telehealth RN?

Sound like something you'd be interested in? Becoming a telehealth RN requires much of the same training you'd need for other nursing occupations, and we'll break down all the steps for you here. To become at telehealth RN, you'll need:

  • to complete an accredited school/program for nursing
  • a diploma, associate degree or bachelor's degree in nursing
  • an unencumbered state license in the location you'd like to practice

what are the key skills of a telehealth RN?

The critical medical skills telehealth RNs need to succeed are covered by the preliminary education and certifications above. However, in order to really thrive in the role of telehealth RN, aspirants will also need to master the following traits and competencies:

  • communication
  • compassion
  • computer competency
  • health assessment
  • medical chart review
  • observation
  • patience
  • record keeping
  • teamwork

how much does a telehealth RN make?

Based on current compensation data, average hourly wages for telehealth RNs can be broken down into three tiers, depending on factors like your location, market, responsibilities and level of expertise. Based on those conditions, telehealth RNs can expect to make:







Yearly, salaries for those figures would look like:







Want to dive deeper into the salary data for this role across different markets? We've got you covered there, too. Head on over to our free salary comparison tool, which collects specific pay rates for clinical case manager roles across the U.S.

key takeaways

For those interested in getting a foothold in the next generation of nursing, there's no greater role right now than telehealth RN. Hopefully, you're coming away with a better understanding of what it takes to become — and succeed — as a telehealth RN today.

To quickly recap, we've covered:

  • what telehealth RNs do
  • training, experience and requirements needed for the position
  • key skills
  • salary
  • ... and a whole lot more!

If you're ready to take the next steps into entering this growing field, get your search started with Randstad today, and see all the opportunities we have waiting for you.