Welcome to our page dedicated to File Clerk jobs in the United States. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive list of opportunities, allowing you to compare and filter jobs based on industry sector, location, and contract type.
File clerk positions in the U.S. are available in multiple contract types, including:
File clerks play a critical role in organizing and managing records, ensuring efficient document handling, retrieval, and compliance with company policies. Common responsibilities include:
At Randstad, we can help match you with file clerk jobs that align with your experience and career aspirations.
Salaries vary based on experience, location, and industry. Visit the file clerk job profile page for salary insights, or check individual job postings for detailed compensation information.
Applying for a file clerk role is quick and easy—follow these steps to get started!
Found a file clerk job that interests you? Click on the job listing and select "Apply" at the top right of the page. If you have a Randstad account, your information will be auto-filled. No account? No problem—just enter your details manually.
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You can also submit your resume, and our recruiters will contact you when a position matches your qualifications.